Isaacs Sound Portfolio

The Sound Piano:

For the sound piano below I used a very popular sound effect known as "Bruh Sound Effect 2".
Using Adobe Audition I altered the sound to go down and up in pitch to act as notes in the piano.
The piano is playable to a certain extent. With simple steps every sound can be altered to fit this
template and each key can play something different.


Custom Effects:

Each sound is recorded with an every day house hold object, as well as my voice. They are made to portray sounds we hear in movies and cartoons.
They are intended to be used in animations and others such.

Car Driving

Whip Crack

Cutting Wood That Hits The Floor



Opening Door

Paper Tear


Walking in Snow


Darth Vadar


This soundscape uses stock sound effects as well as effects created by me.
Close your eyes and imagine you are walking down a path in the rain forest and then out of the corner of your eye you see something terrifying.

Podcast: The Bassline

The Podcast I've started with Chris and Talen is called The Bassline. This podcast is a free flowing podcast about mainly sports
but can trail off onto any topic!

Audio To Animation